Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tradition (Insert witty rhyme)

This will be less extensive due to time requirements and lack of a pre-written idea of what I am doing.
When should tradition be upheld, done away with, or modified?

Tradition is the act of passing customs or beliefs from one generation. Our parents did it to us when we were kids, and we will do it with our children, we always pass on a tradition to our young. That is the way of nature, all living sentient beings, and even non-sentient in a way, do it. My favorite example to use is Christmas, or any of the the other winter holidays, because everyone celebrates then. Why do we do it? Because our parents did it and our parents before. A celebration to be thankful for the people who have given us life and have shared their traditions with us.

Now we aren't going to throw away Christmas obviously because people enjoy celebrating that, but how about Halloween? Do away with Halloween?! But I love getting candy! That's not what I meant dear reader. I'm saying that the Halloween we know in this era is not the same as when it first started. The story is that there were two rival but similar religions that would take a straw representation of their god and burn it upon the hill while singing and chanting, then on the way home they would beg for food. Eventually this turned violent, the religions sabotaging the other's straw god or beating up other members. To prevent being caught they would dress up to hide their identity. Sound familiar? The dressing up and begging sound familiar, but we modified the tradition to be less violent. Not all traditions need to be upheld all the time, slavery is a tradition that should never continue, anti-lgbt rights as well. Tradition is something we need, but we also need it to grow with us.

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