Monday, September 30, 2013

Everyday Betray

A silver gem,
Rarer than diamond.
A porcelain chin,
It slides down.

Cruel is fate,
Crueler is love.
Losing faith,
Forgetting her dove.

As the sea of knives,
Crosses their heart,
Nothing survives.
They are broken apart.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Literature Conjecture

What is Literature? Why is it, or isn't it important? Explain.

Literature is a culture, a culture of excelled pieces through form or expression and expressing of permanent ideas of permanent or universal interest. literature is important because like any other culture, it helps us to understand ourselves and the world around us. literature is the writings of prose or verse, not just words printed on paper. The words must flow into sentences and then into paragraphs which all combine together to form a universal theme and thus growing into literature. Creating a piece that will live in the esteem of Literature forever, as Shakespeare most famously has done.

Literature will always be important because it teaches the truth of human nature. It also inquires about the truths of nature and possibly existence of the great and powerful beings such as gods and our reaction to these concepts. To analyze the truth of existence or nature, it is to say that this will potentially become literature. It does not matter if it is fiction or non because both are literature, just one is aimed to also entertain. These notions are most singularly because they can be defined in infinite ways. Literature is important because it helps advance our views towards something new and better.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Performing Reformatting

Today was our home competition for marching band. It started okay because the rehearsal wasn't as early as usual so I had a bunch of time at home to get around and get to practice. I'm in the guard section of the marching band so I get to do all the fun dancing and spinning stuff. Only I forgot my lipstick at home and I just finished off my three year old eye liner. I was a bit antsy right before practice because someone I was suppose to sell tickets to didn't get there on time, but the mama taking care of the pre-sale tickets handled that for me and the money went into my assessment smoothly. I was five minutes late to warm up because our guard mama did my hair up, but then my mood plummeted because Ryan, our guard instructor, was slamming me hard. He was telling me that since I was a fifth year I should be more flexible that I was, but I'm just not as flexible as everyone else. The most flexible thing I can do is bad for my knees...

I felt like crying, but as dinner came around, I started feeling better because the parents welcomed me amongst them. I am well known because my own parents help out often and I am very polite and nice to them. After dinner i spent another half an hour figuring out stuff to do with my hair because it is angled and you can't do too much with it. I hung out in the ready room part of the theatre with my friends and we had fun, I drew a picture for mt lovely and wonderful boyfriend for two hours then went to go warm up for our performance which was awesome! It was such a rush being inside, close and personal to our home crowd. I can't wait for our trip in two weeks to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to paint the Penn Stadium in buc blue.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Renovation Inventation

I was just talking to my buddy in California who is really good with designing new and updated inventions. Well, some of his technical innovation rubbed off on me when I was thinking of some new fun inventions. The first is something I nicknamed the Sweepy Buddy and the other is the dead bolt shocker. The other required a lot more thought than the other, but I really like the concepts behind them both.

The sweepy buddy is one of those self-reliant electronic home sweepers that are extremely over-priced, but here's what I thought of what makes it different. It has a wireless component that not only connects to the internet for updates, but also tells you information about your house! Of course it can't go up or down stairs so you'd need one for each floor still, and then there's the battery or plug in issue that still needs to be solved, or maybe make it solar powered! Anyway, it will, as it sweeps, make a map of your house and then also tells you where you should focus where to clean. It would do this by recording the amount of dirt it picked up per square foot and showing a graph or something online. It would also need to be slim enough to fit under furniture and go into small spaces without getting stuck. I would totally by this if it was made and I was a millionaire.

The Dead Bolt Shocker is a completely different invention with a completely different purpose, amusement. So we have this electronic dead bolt system on our front door that has this key pad that instead of opening the dead bolt with a key the correct pass-code will electronically unlock the door for you, but it stopped working because of a short a long time ago. My plan is to rewire it so whenever the dead bolt is thrown and you have to use the key to unlock it, then you get a small shock! Oh the hilarity that would ensue! The mockery for falling for such a prank! The best part is that it is a small unwanted shock, but just a quick single pulse then you could unlock it. I really wish to try this.

Dreamer Weaver

I have these really odd dreams in which they teach me a message that I can apply to everyday life or that tell me the future. One that I had recorded from awhile ago was me trying to fly with invisible wings. I knew they were there because they cast a shadow, but I heard the voice, the same voice that delivers all the messages at the time, and it said, "Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not there. I think it means that just because you can't see something it does not mean it's not there. Like someone struggling with suicide and depression. Sometimes they'll hide it in an overly cheery enthusiasm so no one will bother them about it when all they want is someone to talk to. Just because they don't look depressed doesn't mean they aren't struggling with that issue. Look past someone's surface before judging, try to find the tears in their soul before labeling them. Maybe they are more like you than you believe.