Saturday, September 21, 2013

Performing Reformatting

Today was our home competition for marching band. It started okay because the rehearsal wasn't as early as usual so I had a bunch of time at home to get around and get to practice. I'm in the guard section of the marching band so I get to do all the fun dancing and spinning stuff. Only I forgot my lipstick at home and I just finished off my three year old eye liner. I was a bit antsy right before practice because someone I was suppose to sell tickets to didn't get there on time, but the mama taking care of the pre-sale tickets handled that for me and the money went into my assessment smoothly. I was five minutes late to warm up because our guard mama did my hair up, but then my mood plummeted because Ryan, our guard instructor, was slamming me hard. He was telling me that since I was a fifth year I should be more flexible that I was, but I'm just not as flexible as everyone else. The most flexible thing I can do is bad for my knees...

I felt like crying, but as dinner came around, I started feeling better because the parents welcomed me amongst them. I am well known because my own parents help out often and I am very polite and nice to them. After dinner i spent another half an hour figuring out stuff to do with my hair because it is angled and you can't do too much with it. I hung out in the ready room part of the theatre with my friends and we had fun, I drew a picture for mt lovely and wonderful boyfriend for two hours then went to go warm up for our performance which was awesome! It was such a rush being inside, close and personal to our home crowd. I can't wait for our trip in two weeks to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to paint the Penn Stadium in buc blue.

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