Friday, September 20, 2013

Renovation Inventation

I was just talking to my buddy in California who is really good with designing new and updated inventions. Well, some of his technical innovation rubbed off on me when I was thinking of some new fun inventions. The first is something I nicknamed the Sweepy Buddy and the other is the dead bolt shocker. The other required a lot more thought than the other, but I really like the concepts behind them both.

The sweepy buddy is one of those self-reliant electronic home sweepers that are extremely over-priced, but here's what I thought of what makes it different. It has a wireless component that not only connects to the internet for updates, but also tells you information about your house! Of course it can't go up or down stairs so you'd need one for each floor still, and then there's the battery or plug in issue that still needs to be solved, or maybe make it solar powered! Anyway, it will, as it sweeps, make a map of your house and then also tells you where you should focus where to clean. It would do this by recording the amount of dirt it picked up per square foot and showing a graph or something online. It would also need to be slim enough to fit under furniture and go into small spaces without getting stuck. I would totally by this if it was made and I was a millionaire.

The Dead Bolt Shocker is a completely different invention with a completely different purpose, amusement. So we have this electronic dead bolt system on our front door that has this key pad that instead of opening the dead bolt with a key the correct pass-code will electronically unlock the door for you, but it stopped working because of a short a long time ago. My plan is to rewire it so whenever the dead bolt is thrown and you have to use the key to unlock it, then you get a small shock! Oh the hilarity that would ensue! The mockery for falling for such a prank! The best part is that it is a small unwanted shock, but just a quick single pulse then you could unlock it. I really wish to try this.

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